
…..on a cold day in a warm Education Room.

The last event of 2022 for Coastwise was a popular and fully-subscribed photography workshop, held at the new (ish) Northam Burrows Visitor Centre, with local professional photographer Dave Green (https://www.davegreenphoto.co.uk/). Dave has extensive experience of teaching all ages, and was an ideal tutor.

Members take plenty of photographs, many of them for identification purposes, and most confessed to "just pointing and shooting".

The whole session was very 'hands-on', and Dave explained how to download more versatile apps to phones and explore the options available, the use of which came as a revelation to most people.

Attendees learnt how to use the options, such as adjust for dark conditions without resorting to flash, compensate for bright conditions, and focus on a point such as a blenny down a dark crevice.

All this of course applies to DSLRs, bridge cameras and compacts which many members use.

Overheard – " I though the noise reduction function was to reduce the sound volume, not get a better picture", but everyone was a lot wiser by the end of the session.

The cold weather convinced people to stay inside under the infra-red heaters rather than try out the new knowledge on nature outside, but the session was an overwhelming success.

Burrowing down in Northam….