December saw the Coastwise AGM, the business part of which is the Chairs’ Report. We’ve had a great year, with contributions to some of the big issues of the day – DEFRA’s Marine Conservation Zone definition process, the EU’s Common Fisheries Policy, and the Atlantic Array wind farm development.

We’ve had some fantastic speakers, with experts such as Tegwyn Harris, late of Exeter University, and Doug Anderson, cameraman from the BBC’s Frozen Planet series.

There were trips, such as the DWT’s Kimmeridge VMCA, where the brave followed the snorkelling trail, the RSPB Avocet birding cruise on the Exe, a trip to the Met Office in Exeter. And, standing out among many visits to local rocky beaches, Lee Bay during an exceptionally low tide in June, where a huge array of marine animals were identified.

Members gave us an insight into the highlights of their year. Michael Hassell has been preparing to take over as Charman of the National Biodiversity Network, Chris Mandry showed us some of his stunning photos, and artist and poet Paula Newbery read us her lovely and evocative poem "Elements".

Wrapping up a good year for Coastwise…