What a difference a day makes ! After the storms of the 9th March, the weather was on its best behaviour for the Coastwise field trip to Lee Bay on the following day. The low tide (0.2m, with high atmospheric
Local Boy Makes Good (and returns)……

Coastwise welcomed back its old friend Dr Keith Hiscock. Keith was born in Ilfracombe, where he developed the love of marine biology that has defined his life. Now retired (in a sense), he's a sort of Emeritus Celebrity Professor at
Coastwise Graces Ilfracombe with a Visit…..

Being a popular outing, split shifts were the order of the day for our visit to Ilfracombe, half the group visiting the Aquarium, whilst the other half visited the Ilfracombe and North Devon Sub-Aqua Clubhouse where Chris Mandry kindly hosted
Talented Members Impress…….

The member's session is always excellent, and this year we had three very entertaining and informative topics. Sue Austin introduced us to the Blaschkas, father and son, who, in the 1870s, made models of marine life in glass for educational
A Gulf in our knowledge…….

It helps to have members with good contacts, and this is how (Emeritus) Professor Harry Bryden of Southampton University came to be talking to Coastwise members about one important aspect of oceanography – the reason for the Gulf Stream, and
Petroc of Wages…..

Kate Weld's objective is to get her Ecology students into paid employment when they graduate from their foundation degree in Animal Conservation. They do a lot of practical field work in their first year, prior to a second year focussing
Building our local ship knowledge……

Peter Ferguson, an architect by training, gave very interested Coastwise members the benefit of the extensive knowledge of his real love, the history of ships and shipbuilding. Although Peter now lives in Somerset, he spent many years in Barnstaple and
More on MCZs…from the horses mouth

The very recent announcement of DEFRA's Tranche 2 MCZs including the Foreland Point to Westward Ho! coastal strip was very welcome, and Dr Rob Enever of Natural England gave Coastwise members some insight into NE's rigorous approach to assessing backing
Marine Conservation Zones in N Devon Announced……..
Practical marine conservation takes a stride forward with today’s announcement from DEFRA for the second round of MCZ designations includes two sites in North Devon – Bideford to Foreland Point, a coastal strip covering North Devon’s best known beaches, from
Monroe’s Mighty Molluscs…….

What is one of the most diverse and widespread phylums of animals on the planet ? If you said "Molluscs", many people might not realise that they've been around for over 500m years, and include limpets, octopuses, sea slugs and