……..is an important task undertaken regularly by Coastwise members. The more we know about the presence or absence of marine life on our shores, the more we can understand the natural processes at work that may be influencing the seas.
Breaking up is hard to do……………..
………..when it's the last of the summer session meetings by Zoom. Normally members would be meeting outdoors on the coast, but this has been restricted to structured surveys until the C19 restrictions are lifted. This last meeting was a member's
Baggy’s not just for the birds…..
…..as Rob Jutsum showed Coastwise members. This lovely NT area has a huge range of interest in the natural world. Rob took us on a trip round the coast path above the cliffs, with a range of birds and flowers,
An Order of Magnitude……..
……….is what separates Maggs Ashton's marine life photos from what the rest of us take. Maggs is an experienced SCUBA diver and Coastwise member, and took us on an underwater trip round the local coast from Ilfracombe to Barnstaple Bay,
Wet, Wet, Wet….but no pop stars….
…..no, much better, Lydia Deacon from the West Country Rivers Trust gave Coastwise members a comprehensive insight into the work the Trust does to monitor and improve river water quality. This is clearly a crucial element in coastal water quality
Aliens on our shores…..
….or at least occasionally if you'rer looking for seaweed. Professional algologist and Coastwise member Dr Sarah Hodgkiss gave other members a masterly overview of the seaweeds we can find and how to identify them. Some are indicator species, such as
Birds to Bryozoans in one breath…..
……….is normal for Coastwise members. Or at least in the talks series, which this week featured Debbie Frazer on the birds seen during frequent walks along Fremington Pill. This haven for bird life has yielded a good range for her,
Look into a Rockpool……
……………and you're bound to see lots of Limpets and Anenomes. Nicola Mello gave Coastwise members an identification guide to both; like a lot of things, some are easy, but some are harder. Limpets come in a variety of shapes and
Driller Killers…….
…..come in all sizes, according to ecologist Pip Jollands, who gave Coastwise members a refresher on shells that can be found on the shore. This is to help the survey process, with members getting back to the shore after a
Catch a Crab…..
…..except that we're not going rowing, but heading out on the first shore survey for a long time ! To get Coastwise members into the right frame of mind for Lee Bay on 27th April, Paula Ferris gave an expert