………..when it's the last of the summer session meetings by Zoom. Normally members would be meeting outdoors on the coast, but this has been restricted to structured surveys until the C19 restrictions are lifted.
This last meeting was a member's 'show and tell' session, where they talked about items of interest to them., and there were certainly plenty of interesting items to discuss.
Examples were (from Top R), a curious frog in a garden pond, a selection of orchids from Braunton Burrows, a crab with a parasitic barnacle (don't ask….it's horrible), a geological non-conformity from the Skern, showing the boundary between modern sedimants, and what is probably the debris from the 1607 great Bristol Channel Flood which caused havoc in the area, and a sauropod dinosaur footprint cast from the Cretaceous rocks of the south coast of the Isle of Wight.
Members have a wide range of interests !