The AONB Coastal Creatures Project first BioBlitz at Croyde on Saturday 17th, organised by Coastwise North Devon, was a huge success, reaching out to the public and serious professional natural scientists. The event was aided by lovely weather and an excellent site provided courtesy of the National Trust with support from Ruda Holidays for some of the activities.
There was a good mix of experts, local and visiting, covering a wide range of coastal habitat types. Over 300 of the public attended, which is a good number for a local areas marine bioblitz. Families loved the activity tent (pictured R)
The Plymouth Marine Biological Association team (pictured R) reported that about half the records had been logged by the end of the day and 250 species already formally identified and recorded, 50 of which had not been recorded in the area before. Many more will be added, some requiring further study before identification is possible.
Discussion with members of the public enjoying the microscope tent and guided rockpool rambles (pictured R) showed that there is real interest in the marine world, but people are at a loss as to how to pursue that interest. The Coastal Creatures project certainly has a ready-made target audience in the area.
There was a strandline survey and a dune ecology walk (both pictured R)
We'll be updating this report as the results become available.