Award-winning Coastwise launches a super new autumn programme with a display in Barnstaple Library , 15 – 22 August. The photograph shows Paula Ferris putting the finishing touches to the display of 48 photographs, mainly by Rob Jutsum, of North Devon marine animals, birds, and plants.

Click here to open the programme, or visit the "course" page in the menu above for more background information.

The next 12 months will see some important developments in marine activities nationally with the implementation of the Marine Bill, and locally through the work of Coastwise members and others. This will be reflected in the programme which includes a good mix of arts and science, policy and fun. Field visits will be arranged as weather and tides permit.

Coastwise has some particularly exciting news with the award of a grant from the AONB to set up the Coastwise Shore Safari project, under which those members who are interested can work with experts (from MarLin, Hallsannery & the Field Studies Council) with a view to offering shore safaris next summer. Jim Monroe is co-ordinating the project with help from Anne Brown & Robert Down.

Coastwise launches the Autumn Programme……..