Our Croyde shore safaris are always popular. This time we had chosen the sunniest day of the week attracting about 70 visitors. Mainly visiting families, they included plenty of enthusiastically inquisitive youngsters whose sharp eyes and determination made sure we got to see all that the shore had to offer.
Three species of large crabs, Shore, Spider and Velvet Swimming Crab were found, and we learnt about their moulting and mating.
Tiny animals too, one exceptionally sharp-eyed young observer challenged our ID skills with a range of of Idoteas, Gammarids and fish fry. More readily identifiable were t the Celtic Sea Slugs and anemones including Glaucous Pimplets, both common at Croyde if not elsewhere.
Strawberry Anemones proved more elusive, providing us with a target which we finally found at low water at the conclusion of a very enjoyable shore safari.