Natural England's Mel Parket and Jo Traill Thompson gave Coastwise members a good overview of NE's work locally.
Mel outlined some of NE's projects in the area :-
– New Lundy Marine Management Plan; NE like everyone else is hampered by lack of funds, so this very comprehensive bit of work has not been printed, but is available by download from www.landmarktrust.org.uk/lundyisland/discovering-lundy/Conservation1/Marine-Protected-Area/
– Conservation Advice packages published for marine sites; again, another very comprehensive package of work intended to give planners and conservationists the best current information on a particular area, and is available as a series of map overlays. Visit NE's website and look for Conservation Advice Packages – Advice on Operations.
– Marine Conservation Zones – T2 and T3; Mel described how the MMO and IFCAs are assessing the need for fisheries management measures, and the proposals for Tranche 3 sites – Taw Torridge Estuary, North West of Lundy, Morte Platform, Mobile species, & JNCC’s offshore South West Approaches to Bristol Channel
– North Devon Focus Area projects; NE is concentrating on smaller areas to make its limited resources more effective, with projects such as the TTE Mussel Model, Improved air quality through reduced nitrogen emissions, and the TTE bird use survey.
At this point Jo took over as the Pioneer Project Officer. The goal of Defra’s 25 Year Environment Plan Framework is: Better decision making that protects and improves the environment; for England to be a great place to live, with a healthy natural environment on land and at sea that benefits people and the economy.
There are Land and Marine projects, but the objectives are to test new tools and methods as part of applying a natural capital approach in practice; demonstrate a joined-up, integrated approach to planning and delivery; explore and ‘scale-up’ the use of new funding opportunities; grow our understanding of ‘what works’, sharing lessons and best practice.
There are four main themes :- Marine Management and Governance across a suite of MPAs and the wider land/sea interface, Establish the evidence base needed to underpin marine management, Identify and trial novel approaches to funding marine management, Enhanced engagement with the marine environment.
The existing partnership of local and national stakeholders will be supported by WWF (stakeholder engagement), and Plymouth Marine Labs and University of Plymouth (research and technical capacity to support the ongoing work).