Lee Bay saw the last of the summer outdoor programme for Coastwise members, with the second MarLIN Shore Thing survey of the year.
Weather at this time of year is always a gamble, and for 12 stalwart members it averaged out OK – sunny and warm to start with, then a heavy shower ! The photos show the before and after views.
Although Pip Jollands, the coordinator, had brough some water-resistant paper, she was left with a bit of interpretation of the rain-affected official recording sheets before sending them off to Fiona Crouch at the MBA at Plymouth.
The 36 quadrat sites on 3 transects were probably affected by recent storms, with less weed and animal life than normal. A couple of velvet swimming crabs were also photographed by Kate Weld to convince iRecords that they actually do exist at Lee !
(Pictures courtesy of a grimly determined Rob Jutsum)