
Looking for Footsteps in our Landscapes......

.......with National Landscapes (AONB as was) is a project to get us out to see, learn about and record the wildlife.

A team from NL explained all to Coastwise members, and they were preaching to the converted, as Coastwise is into finding and recording.

The talk was therefore focussed on terrestrial life and Jamie Buxton-Lee explined how the objective of the 3-year project is to work with communities to help people discover, enjoy and record what they see.

They run conservation workshops, recording days, community action and focus on important local species. Sofar 15 events have been held, including a Bioblitz at Ilfracombe.

Jamie pointed out that UK species have declined by 57% since 1970, with invertebrates 13% down. The UK has the lowest levels of biodiversity of 15 European countries.

People are encouraged to let wildflowers grow in unmowed gardens, create ponds and let 'messy' areas of untended ground grow in order to encourage habitat increase for wildlife.

Evie from NL explained how the recording can work in more detail, with iNaturalist and iRecord the means of adding to national records.

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